Beginning of the business activity of Mr. José Gómez Urrea, founder of Cometal.
First Agros Sprinkler Utility Model.
Birth of the Cometal Cooperative Society.
Founding partner of the Association of Spanish Agricultural Machinery Exporters AGRAGEX, and first sprinkler export to Lebanon.
First exports to the Maghreb.
First sale of Hydraulic Valves.
Cometal S.L constitution.
First participation in the EIMA fair (Bologna).
Implementation of the CAD-CAM System in the design and manufacturing process.
Obtaining the ISO 9001: 2000 Quality Certificate.
Cometal exports 40% of its turnover.
Cometal begins its participation in the Technical Committee of Standardization of UNE for valves and sprinklers.
Cometal obtains the San Juan award for the Best Exporting Company.
Commissioning of Cometal Testing Laboratory and Test Bank.
Cometal makes its new mobile App available to customers.
Mr. José Gómez Urrea pass away, leaving as a legacy to his company the strength, dedication and search for improvement that characterized him as an entrepreneur and as a person.
Extension and renovation of Cometal Installations.
Cometal turns 40 years old. Thanks to all who have made it possible.
Parque Empresarial Campollano, C/D, nº 21
02007 Albacete (ESPAÑA)
Phone: (+34) 967 21 42 01.
Fax: (+34) 967 21 75 21